Dienstag, 13. August 2024

MPOX Outbreak at Africa - Current Data Status


Source: CDC Africa

Total Cases: 37 583
Total Death: 1451
Case Fatality Rate (CFR): 3.9%
15 African Union Member States (AU MS)

January-July 2024

Total Cases:14 250
Total Death: 456
CFR: 3.2%
10 AU MS


Quelle des Bildzitates - CDC USA

Following Media Reports like Reuters the transmission of the virus occurs by simply contacts with infected or virus contaminated humans or animals. Increasing transmission and infections between children and at healthcare settinngs has been observed after mutation of the clade 1 of the MPOX Virus.

WHO presumably declares tomorrow the global emergency status.


Yesterday WHO current data Report to monkey pox pointed Out that more than 99000 humans at 26 countries already hast been infected: https://www.who.int/publications/m/item/multi-country-outbreak-of-mpox--external-situation-report-35--12-august-2024

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